Causes of Disease: Nutritional Deficiencies and Chemical Poisons

One of the main causes of disease in humans, animals and plants is nutritional deficiency.  Other causes for us include chemical poisons on our food, in our soil and water including the overuse of unnatural pharmaceuticals like antibiotics.  Nature has a way of evening things out.  Virulent bacteria and fungi (as well as weeds) will mutate and eventually overtake our abilities to fight them if we are not careful.  Virulent bacteria and fungi have a useful purpose though:  they help to kill the weaker plants and animals so that their DNA does not reproduce. The same happens in the animal kingdom. Essential (good) bacteria and fungi help the plants to assimilate minerals out of the soil, so that they become strong (which plants we need to consume to be healthy).

When a plant is dealing with something like Goss' Wilt or Curly Leaf disease, it is often times because we have harmed the soil by using such products as glyphosates (an herbicide that kills non-gmo plants).  Glyphosates (as well as inorganic fertilizers) also kill the bacteria and fungi in the soil, which is the bottom of our food chain on the earth.  When Monsanto bought the rights to glyphosate back some 50 plus years ago (1964), the scientists who created it were trying to find a way to stop the build up of scale in pipes.  It was purely by accident that the treated water was released into a field of weeds and it killed them.

Later on in the early part of this century (around 2003), Monsanto applied for a patent to make glyphosate a recognized antibiotic for use on humans!  When glyphosates are put into the soil, they kill more of the essential (good) bacteria than the virulent (bad) bacteria, (just like antibiotics do to us) creating an imbalance in the soil.  The soil is like our gut.  We need good bacteria to assimilate nutrients out of the food we eat.  Most of our immune system is tied to our gut health.  This is also true for plants and the soil.  If the plants we are eating are grown in bio-poor soil, are chemically tainted or are over fertilized, they become weak and their nutrient value diminishes.  We and the animals that eat this food are not only getting poor nutrition, but we are killing our essential gut flora by eating glyphosate tainted food, hence, creating diseases in our bodies such as cancer.  It has been postulated that the so-called "gluten intolerance" epidemic may be tied into glyphosates.

Obviously, this is only one part of the problem we face by not getting back to nature, but it is likely one of the largest problems we face as a species.  Farmers (for the most part) prior to the 1930's understood that when they took care of the soil naturally, it took care of them.  They didn't necessarily understand the science of it all, they just knew what worked.  The native Americans also understood the value of our ecosystem in taking care of us.

Basically, we have figured out a way to create more food to fill our guts, but we are slowly starving and poisoning ourselves in the process.  Organic farm produce (while more nutrient rich) is not accessible to everyone because of costly price prohibitions.  Many smaller farms are labeling themselves as "Natural Farms", because the Organic Associations are much too strict with their farming protocols and much too expensive to maintain memberships. 

Organic farmers are using "natural" pesticides that are far more poisonous than most of what Big Agri uses. Also, killing insects in the name of food production is not a "sustainable" practice. Organic farmers also use copper sulphate as a fungicide.  This isn't natural and copper can be dangerous in too high quantities.
Too much fertlizer (inorganic or organic, even mulch) can hyper stimulate the microbes in the soil causing the plant to shoot up fast without putting in a strong root system. This causes the plant's immune system to weaken making it susceptible to attack from insects, virulent bacteria and fungi as nature would have it. Could it be that even organic farmers are over fertilizing in the name of increased profits? I think that it may be the case.

We need to find a middle ground solution. Our proposed solution is "Nature Meeting Technology".  We need to figure out a way to meld the two together, to understand how nature works and help it along on its journey, not create more problems in spite of it. Already, we are seeing devastating drops in stocks of fish worldwide as well as other types of species and insect depletion in many areas due to the overuse of petrol-based, hydrocarbon derivatives (which are also killing the essential microbes in the farm soil).  Like it or not, we need plants, insects and other animals in order to survive.  Killing the soil, the water and insects in the name of providing more food is akin to killing the patient to cure the disease.

Unfortunately, the giant chemical companies still control the narrative, despite the fact that Monsanto/Bayer (and other companies) are being sued because of the poisons they have inflicted on peple and the diseases they have caused.  They control the agri-science funding at the universities in the USA and therefore still pretty much control the narrative going forward.  The answer has been "put more and more inorganic fertilizer and chemicals on your crop and you will do better". It is like feeding more and more drugs to drug addict.  At one point the addict dies. This is the condition of our soils.

They know what they have done to the soil and ecosystem, and are gearing up for the obvious turn toward bio-science technology to bail us out.  The process, however, is a slow grind.  They wait for the smaller companies to take the risk and then when necessity meets economics,  they swoop in and take over.  Meanwhile, they are still unethically comfortable maintaining the status quo to the detriment of our ecosystem.

HarvestGold is one step toward an economically feasible way to correct the situation to becoming eco-sustainable. We also have water energizers, whose technology has been suppressed by the same corporate concerns. There are others in the pipeline.  I invite you to join the movement toward true eco-sustainability. It is a mistake to believe that organic farming methods means true sustainability. There is a profit motive (especially with the larger corporately run organic farms) that dilutes much of the good they are doing. Please support us by spreading the word and buying our health giving products at SUDEVTEK.

Brad Gudgeon
May 2019


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